The main difference between Admin and Trusted users is the access level to GlobalReader eco-system settings. Admin users can edit any setting needed whereas the Trusted users can only edit their own profile. Options seen on the side-bar menu are different in Passport, Analytics, and Operator view.

On this page, we will describe how to add, edit and enable the admin or trusted users within GlobalReader Passport.

How to add new admin or trusted user?

Only Admin users can add new users to the system and to add new user, please follow the steps:

  1. Open Users page in Passport
  2. Click on 'Add user'
  3. Fill in the detail - name, email, user level, language, workstations allowed
  4. Click on 'Send Invite'
  5. Welcome email with a registration link for activating the profile is sent to the user email - user will need to follow the link to finalize the registration and to be able to log in

How to edit admin or tusted user?

If an admin or trusted user profile needs to be edited, then please follow the steps:

  1. Open Users page in Passport
  2. Click on the user name who whish to edit to view all the current profile details
  3. Click on blue 'Edit' button on the top of the profile
  4. Edit the details needed - all basic and advanced details can be edited. To edit 'Advanced Settings' click on the blue hyperlink
  5. Click on 'Save' to make the changes