GlobalReader Holiday feature allows admin users to easily enter vacations, national holidays, and other day-offs to the system, where factories and manufacturing are not working. Once Holiday has been entered the system does not add shifts to that day/period.

How to add an Holiday to the system?

To add a new Holiday to the system please follow the steps:

  1. Open Passport Holiday tab under System Advanced Setup
  2. Click on 'Add new'
  3. Define needed criteria - Name, Start Date and End Date
  4. Choose Workstations to which this applies to - if applies to all leave the field empty
  5. Click on 'Save'


Good to know!

How to edit or delete an already entered Holiday?

To edit an already existing Holiday please follow the steps:

  1. Open Passport Holiday tab under System Advanced Setup
  2. Click on the Holiday name
  3. Edit dialog is opened - you can edit any details needed OR entirely delete the holiday
  4. Click on 'Save' to confirm editing or 'OK' to confirm the deletion