GlobalReader account password can be changed if you are logged in to the system in Passport 'My profile' page and also if forgot password option is used on the login page.

Change password on 'My profile' page

For editing your current password while you are logged in to the system please follow the steps:

  1. Open **'My profile'** page in Passport and click on 'Edit password'
  2. In the next dialog window enter your current password and new password and click on 'Save'
  3. Green confirmation 'Password updated' is displayed and next time new password for login is used

Change password using 'I forgot' option on the login page

When you have forgotten your password or are unable to log in to the GlobalReader environment, then the 'I forgot' option helps you to create a new password for yourself. Please follow the steps:

  1. Open the GlobalReader Passport login page and click on 'I forgot'
  2. Enter your email address and click on 'Reset password'
  3. Password reset email is sent
  4. Click on the hyperlink within the email to reset the password
  5. On the password recovery page add new password and click on 'Reset password'