Dynamical shifts - shifts start and end times for OEE value depend on the machine work or GlobalReader device sensor signal. The dynamical shift has 4 different options and it can be one-time or recurring.

Dynamic shifts types are

  1. Dynamic based on connection. Shift time changes when the sensor registers to the network and ends when connection is lost. Used in cases when BlackBox power is connected to machine power.
  2. Dynamic based on data. Shift time changes according to sensor data. Shift time starts upon first sensor reading and ends upon last sensor reading. Additionally the set treshold is applied - in case the next sensor signal is registered within the treshold period then there’s an interruption and shift continues, when the treshold is reached then the shift is ended and in case next reading within the period then another shift starts. Used when workstation workhours can not be scheduled by calendar.
  3. Dynamic based on production. Shift start and end time changes to production start and end time.
  4. Dynamic based on any data. Shift will be removed when no sensor data in the defined period. The shift will remain with prediefined start and end if at least one sensor signal is registered in the period. Used for example for weekend shifts when those are planned irregularily but when performed then on fixed start and end time.

How to set up dynamical recurring shift?

If you want your shift start and end times to be connected to Black Box and sensor data allowing the shift times to be updated and not to be set values, then dynamic shifts will help you with that. Please follow the steps to add a recurring dynamical shift on the Shifts page in Passport:

  1. Click on 'Add recurring shift'
  2. Add 'Name' for the shift
  3. Define shift start and end time - by default the times are added as 8:00-17:00
  4. Choose the weekdays when the shift occurs - by default days from Monday and Friday are selected
  5. Select the Devices from drop-down menu for which the shift template is added
  6. Click on 'Advanced settings' and choose which type of dynamical shift you would like to add
  7. Define 'Activity treshold to end shift (min)' value - this is the time period after last machine activity you consider that the shift has ended. For example, if machine does not work for 40 minutes in a row, then shift end will be marked to the time when the last activity occured.
  8. Click on 'Save'

How to set up a dynamical one-time shift?