Operators are types of users who have restricted access to the system to enter real-time data straight on the Shopfloor which adds value to monitoring your companies overall production efficiency.

Operator - a user who enters production-related information on the Shopfloor for workstation they are working on and only has access to operators graphs. Operators can log in to GlobalReader with a simple PIN code after the shopfloor device has been authorized.

How to add an operator?

Only Admin users can add new users to the system and to add new operator, please follow the steps:

  1. Open Users page in Passport
  2. Click on 'Add operator'
  3. Fill in the basic details - name, add PIN code manually or click on generate, choose workstation the operator is allowed to enter data for (leave empty if all workstations allowed). Choose language person is using .
  4. Click on 'Save' - operators has been added
  5. Let the operator know the PIN code for accessing GlobalReader Shopfloor environment

How to edit an operator profile?

If an operator profile needs to be edited, then please follow the steps:

  1. Open Users page in Passport
  2. Click on the operator name who you whish to edit to view all the current profile details
  3. Click on blue 'Edit' button on the top of the profile
  4. Edit the details needed - all basic and advanced details can be edited. To edit 'Advanced Settings' click on the blue hyperlink
  5. Click on 'Save' to make the changes