Stats returns each Shift statistics for the selected workstation in selected timeframe.

<aside> 📌 GET



token your API token provided by GlobalReader
workstation workstation UID for which device timeline is requested. Available in
start UNIX timestamp for period start
end UNIX timestamp for period end.

Success response

HTTP status code 200

        "active_min": 407.0,
        "amount": 21088.7,
        "availability_percent": 88.61,
        "avg_amount": 46.76,
        "avg_amount_total": 39.05,
        "duration_min": 540,
        "end_at": "2021-12-13T15:00:00Z",
        "int_defined_min": 0.0,
        "int_min": 58.0,
        "int_planned_min": 31.0,
        "int_rec_min": 0.0,
        "int_udef_min": 58.0,
        "loading_count": 27,
        "loading_min": 44.0,
        "max_production": 55.0,
        "oee_percent": 75.34,
        "oee_sensor_unit": "m",
        "oee_target": 60.0,
        "performance_percent": 85.02,
        "planned_prod_min": 509.0,
        "quality_percent": 100.0,
        "run_min": 451.0,
        "shift_min": 540.0,
        "shift_name": "Morning shift",
        "shift_uid": "e967cba4-asd4",
        "shiftlog_uid": "3556hbb8-6126",
        "start_at": "2021-12-13T06:00:00Z",
        "total_amount": 21093.23,
        "workstation_name": "HYDROMAT 5000",
        "workstation_serial": "GJASSLSHVLE2A6C",
        "workstation_uid": "72c6578e-edfb-1f5a"

Error response example

Any HTTP status code in 400 to 500

Missing API token key

Response fields

active_min active time in minutes
amount quantity
availability_percent availability percentage
avg_amount average quantity
avg_amount_total average total quantity
duration_min duration in minutes
end_at shift period end in UTC
int_defined_min defined interruption time in minutes
int_min interruption time in minutes
int_planned_min planned interruptions in minutes
int_rec_min recurring interruptions in minutes
int_udef_min undefined interruptions in minutes
loading_count loading counter
loading_min loading time
max_production max production value set for workstation or product
oee_percent OEE percentage between start and end time
oee_sensor_unit OEE sensor unit
oee_target OEE target value
performance_percent performance percentage
planned_prod_min planned production time
quality_percent quality percentage
run_min active time + loading time
shift_min shift duration in minutes
shift_name shift name
shift_uid shift uid
shiftlog_uid shift log uid
start_at shift period start in UTC
total_amount total quantity
workstation_name requested Device or Workstation name
workstation_serial requested Device or Workstation serial
workstation_uid requested Device or Workstation uid

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