The device products page gives you an instant overview of the products added to this workstation and provides an opportunity to remove products or add new ones to the specific workstation.

PATH: Device Advanced Setup → Click on Device name → Open Products tab

How to add a product to the workstation?

To add an already present product in the system to the workstations production selection simply click on the choose field and select the product from the drop-down and click on 'Add product to this device'

If you are looking to add a totally new product to the system and to the workstation, then please either add the Product following How to add a product? or by following steps to do it directly on the device product page:

  1. Scroll down to 'Add new product from here' - click on the hyprelink
  2. Adding new product dialog is opened with workstation pre-selected
  3. Fill in all the details
  4. Click on 'Save'

How to edit a product for a specific workstation?

If you would like to edit details of the product, then this can be done either on the general Products page How to edit a product? or on the device products tab. To edit the product details on the device products tab, please follow the steps:

  1. Open the Device profile Products tab
  2. Click on the Product name
  3. Edit dialog for the product is opened - edit the details needed
  4. Click on 'Save'