GlobalReader allows you to delete only specific shifts from a specific day for one device or all the devices that have that shift. To delete a specific day´s shift please follow the steps:

  1. Look up the Shift in the list and click on the name
  2. Edit dialog is opened
  3. Scroll down to 'Next events' section and look up the device from which you would like to delete a shift from
  4. Click on 'Go to calendar' next to the device name
  5. Open correct day for deleting a shift from the calendar
  6. Click on 'Remove the shift event from device name' to delete a shift from the specific workstation or 'Remove the shift event from all the devices' to delete the shift from all the workstations that have

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, our Support team is always waiting for your feedback: [email protected]

Move back to Shifts overview or read next article on How to inactivate a shift template?